Germany/Italy/Norway 2024

The pressure on extremely energy-hungry and dirty industries is increasing. Steel giant Thyssen Krupp and one of the world's largest cargo ship operators, Maersk, are therefore investing huge sums in the race to make their future green, thanks in part to government subsidies. The key? Green hydrogen. At the same time, an unprecedented opportunity is opening up for new players on the global market. Morocco and Namibia are entering the fray with hydrogen gigafactories to compete with traditional and fossil energy suppliers.
But does it all make sense? Unresolved production and transportation problems, blue hydrogen as a questionable interim solution, local environmental protection, incalculable costs and the fundamental question of whether Europe is still attractive at all as an industrial location. The film "Hydrogen - Revolution or Illusion" follows some pioneers in their daring projects and takes a visually stunning dive into the complex reality behind the global energy transition. It shows that the path to a green future is full of surprises, questionable decisions and unexpected challenges. A journey through the labyrinth of energy policy, ambitious plans and major personal challenges that shows us both problems and solutions.

Director: Andreas Pichler
Producer: Eikon Films/Nick Pastucha & Christian Drewing
Co-producers: Relation04 Media/Karl Emil Rikardsen, Miramonte Films/Andreas Pichler,


France, Sweden, Norway 2024

On July 11, 1897, three men from Spitsbergen set off for the North Pole in a hydrogen balloon. They never return. 33 years later, a sealing ship discovers the remains of the expedition on Kvitøya, the northernmost island of Svalbard. This includes the bodies perfectly preserved under the snow as well as notebooks and film reels. Robin Hunzinger takes us into the story of the participants in Engineer Andrée's balloon expedition through the archives and the traces they left behind in a story structured like a crime thriller.

Director: Robert Hunzinger
Producer: Seppia/Cédric Bonin
Co-Producers: Dixit International/Malcolm Dixelius, Relation04 Media/Karl Emil Rikardsen


Directors: Tiha Gudac, Anna Savchenko, Annabel Verbeke, Vytautas Puidokas, Isabella Rinaldi, Georg Götmark & John Utsi.
Producers: Frederik Nicolai (Off World), Eric Goossens (Off World), Lukas Trikonis (Inscript), Ljubo Zdjelarevic (Kinoteca), Viva Videnovic, Karl Emil Rikardsen(Relation04 Media)

Rooted in six fascinating borders surrounding or dividing the European continent, this collection of six creative documentary films challenges viewers to rethink the different aspects of borders.

Seven talented European filmmakers delve into the daily reality of six intriguing border regions at the end of Fortress Europe, sharing stories that are inextricably linked to today’s complex history of Europe in general, the people who live there and their origins in particular.

The six episodes represent the social, cultural and geographical diversity of the continent, but also reveal the common social and political challenges that we all face today and that will have a significant impact on our future.


In 1984, the Swedish mining company Boliden had toxic waste shipped to Chile, where it was supposed to be properly treated. In reality, some of the waste was dumped on the outskirts of the desert city of Arica. The consequences were serious: Residents developed cancer and many babies were born with birth defects. Rolf Svedberg, who as Boliden's former environmental manager was partly responsible for shipping the toxic waste, traveled to Arica with the filmmakers to face the consequences of that decision. Now Boliden wants him to testify on their behalf against the residents who are suing the company.

Director: Lars Edman & William Johansson Kalén
Producer: Laika Film& TV/ Andreas Rocksén & William Johansson Kaleén
Co-producers: Relation04 Media/ Karl E Rikardsen, Clin d´Oeil Films/Hanne Phlypo, Radio Film/Andy Jones & Ellie Smith, Filmpool Nord/Katja Härkönen
Sweden/Belgium/Chile/Norway 2020


Directors: Jens Pedersen, Kaspar Astrup Schröder, Simon Lereng Wilmont, Camilla Magid. Producer: Maria Stevnbak Westergren/Toolbox Films . Co-producers: Jens Pedersen/Pedersen&Co, Knut Skoglund and Karl Emil Rikardsen /Relation04 Media

“Kids on the Silk Road” is 15 stories about children between the ages of 11 and 14, from 15 countries along the old silk route. Each story shows how the individual child deals with life’s challenges, big and small, which they face in their specific cultural and social contexts. The stories are both authentic and easy to relate to because the main character tells you their own stories. Although the stories presented in the documentaries are small, they revolve around big universally recognizable themes such as love for animals, sports, developing your talents, realizing your dreams, finding yourself, and disagreeing with parents – part of every child’s life.


Man with a Family

Sweden/Norway 2019

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Mikael Strandberg has spent the last 33 years as an explorer and documentary filmmaker, often travelling alone in extreme environments. But this time he has brought along the love of his life, his wife Pam, and his two daughters, Dana, 5, and Eva, 7. 

They fall immediately in love with Greenland and the great surrounding nature. The girls integrate quickly into the local school and Pam is lucky to find a job gutting fish at the local factory. They spend most of their time outdoors, and feel that finally, after years of searching, they have found a place where they belong. 

Winter is coming, and so does misfortune; Suddenly, Pam starts disappearing at night. And something is very wrong with their eldest daughter Eva. Under suspicion of a brain tumor the girl is carried by helicopter to a hospital in Copenhagen. In the meantime, Mikael discovers Pam is having an affair and enters a state of shock and disbelief.But that is not the end. The end is much better than that.

Golden Raven, Russia. Winner of The Special Jury Prize

Directors: Mikael Strandberg and Ulrika Rang
Camera: Mikael Strandberg, Ulrika Rang, Karl Emil Rikardsen
Editor: Ulrika Rang,
Composer: Ville Langfeldt
Sound design: Rune Hansen/Aurora Filmlyd


Producers: Mikael Strandberg, Karl Emil Rikardsen, Lars Säfström, Lisa Nyed, Jeff Wilner
EMS, Relation04 Media, SVT, FIS, Kensington Tours



Sweden, Norway 2018


GALLOK is a documentary directed by Truls Andersen.  The film tells the story about Tor Tourda a nature photographer  who fights against the plans of mineral exploitation in northern Sweden. Delegate producer is Tellemontage AB/ Deep Sea Productions, Sweden. Relation04 Media AS is Norwegian coproducer.
Producer: Tell Aulin.
Coproducer: Karl Emil Rikardsen

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Son of the Sun

Sweden, Norway  2017

Director: Gunilla Bresky
Starring: Nils-Aslak Valkeapää, Åsa Simma, Synnöve Persen, Baron Paakkunainen

DoP: Dan Jåma
Editor: Rachel Andersen Gomez.
Composer: Seppo "Baron" Paakkunainen

Executive producer: Katja Härkönen
Coproducer: Knut Skoglund, Relation04 Media
Producer: Anna Björk, Giraff Film

Son of the Sun is a  portrait of the sami multitalented artist Nils-Aslak Valkeapää (1943-2001). Born into  a family of reindeer herders, holding a Finnish passport, Valkeapää is regarded among the most important sami artists ever. He modernized the traditional Joik-music, he was an author,  painter and  actor. He was awarded the Nordic Council Litterature Prize. He got the Prix Italia for his "Birdsymphony". He composed the music for the oscarnominated film "The Pathfinder" in which he also acted. 



Ireland, Canada, Norway 2016

Director: Risteard O´ Domhnaill
Camera: Inge Wegge, Risteard O´Domhnaill
Music: Per A. Martinsen (Love OD Communications) mfl
Sound design and mix: Rune Hansen (Aurora Filmlyd)
Grading: Niclas Horne
Coproducer Norway: Karl Emil Rikardsen (Relation04 Media)
Coproducer Canada: Jill Knox Gosse (Wreckhouse Productions/Odd Sock Films)
Producer Ireland: Marie-Therese Garvey (Greater Than Ten Miles),  Risteard O´ Domhnaill (Scannáin Inbhear/Inver Films)

Atlantic follows the fortunes of three small fishing communities - in Ireland, Norway and Newfoundland – which are at turns united and divided by the Atlantic Ocean. In recent times, mounting challenges within their own industries, the fragile environment, and the lure of high wages for young fishermen on the oil rigs have seen these fishing communities struggle to maintain their traditional way of life.

As the oil majors push into deeper water and further into the Arctic, and the world’s largest fishing companies chase the last great Atlantic shoals, the impact on coastal communities and the ecosystems they rely on is reaching a tipping point. Atlantic tells three very personal stories of those who face the devastating prospect of having their livelihoods taken from them, and their communities destroyed both environmentally and economically. 

Men´s Choice

Russia,  Finland, Norway 2014

Director: Elena Demidova
Sound design: Rune Hansen
Coproducer: Karl Emil Rikardsen (Relation04 Media)
Producer: Vlad Ketkovitch (Ethnogeographic Research Foundation)

This film tells  three stories about men extracting natural gas on the Yamal Peninsula. They are forced to leave their families for a long time to be able to support them. For all of them working in Gazprom is the only opportunity to earn real money because there is no high paid job in their hometowns so they are forced to leave their families for a long time to be able to support them. One day they have to decide whether earned money is worth all the problems with families. Each of them makes his own choice.

The Tundra Tale (Die Hûter der Tundra)

Germany, Norway 2013

Director: René Harder
DoP: Dan Jåma
Sound recorders: Rune Hansen, Ghassan Al Zabri, Nathan Berry
Editor: Anika Simon
Coproducer: Karl Emil Rikardsen (Relation04 Media)
Producer: Carl Ludwig Rettinger (Lichtblick)

Way up in the far northwest of the Russian Tundra lies the picturesque village of Krasnoschchelye. Its inhabitants, indigenous Sámi people, live from the ancient tradition of reindeer husbandry. Once a year the reindeer herders are celebrated for their labors in a festival that features a reindeer sleigh race where they can display their skills. But the kolkhoz is insolvent and it looks like the festival might have to be cancelled – a symbol of the Sámi tradition and culture in Russia, currently threatened with extinction. 30 year old Sasha, a member of the newly founded Sámi parliament in Russia fights for the festival and the survival of her village.